
To meet the growing demand for energy in a way which minimises the emission of greenhouse gases, a low carbon growth agenda is required. Siddharthinc has helped establish this agenda in Nepal by:

  • Coordinating the design and promotion of innovations, technologies and business plans with the World Bank, to spread off grid energy projects for connectivity, local businesses and communities across Nepal.
  • Supporting the World Bank, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and all related government agencies to facilitate community discussions on the construction of transmission lines from hydro-electricity plants and help with dispute resolution and arbitration.
  • Working with the Independent Power Producers Association of Nepal (IPPAN) to organise and lead the Nepal Power Summit, 2013.
  • Working with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to organise the Energy Investors Forum in Kathmandu to attract global investors to Nepal.
  • Facilitation of the following events and activities:
    • Workshops and meetings on national energy issues for the Nepal Investment Board (NIB)
    • Nepal Business Forum – Energy and Infrastructure
    • Energy planning meetings for hydro, solar wind and biomass resources with GIZ and WECS