Anil Chitrakar Whenever we have rain, the very essence of life, why do news readers and news telecasters say, “The weather will be bad and will remain bad for the next few days”. If we have to eat, and I am sure we all do, we need rain. Why is rain a bad thing? Why […] Continue reading »
Antosh Pradhan The Cabinet of Government of Nepal (GoN) has recently endorsed a Foreign Investment Policy, 2071 (FIP, 2071). The new policy has taken a liberal stance on sectors (as enlisted below under ‘Open’ category) which were earlier restricted for foreign investment. Once the Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act (FITTA, 1992) is also amended […] Continue reading »
Ashraya Dixit How do we change an ailing Nepali society? Political elites hide behind ideological rhetoric while profiting from perverse capitalist systems riddled with rent-seeking sycophants. Businesses exploit consumers and the rule of law, point fingers at the state, and pretend that two wrongs can make a right. If Nepal’s civil society is to hold […] Continue reading »
Antosh Pradhan Nepal is prone to natural disasters. Landslides, thunderstorm and flashfloods incur huge loss of life and property; with Nepal lying in high seismic hazard zone, we are in our own version of pacific ring of fire. UNDP enlists Nepal as 20th most disaster-prone countries in the world, and our ranking for most vulnerable […] Continue reading »